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Empowerment Funds

Help empower the young to be employed in meaningful and wholesome activities. Our business model encourages entrepreneurial activity and provides incentives for engagement in meaningful and necessary work.  

Marketing local goods and crafts made by students.    Funds improve the school and employs youth in agriculture, forestry, construction, cultural events and guest services.  

Hands-on learning about cow care, ox cart & plowing, gardening, forestry, natural building, cob, arts, crafts & markets. To feed the community, we need more hands in the soil come spring.  This is our endeavour to ensure food security and sustainability.

Cows and ox need engagement and better facilities.  Local cows need a heated and dry barn during the cold season.  The new goshala will be built with local wood and cob built into a NE facing dug-out slope. 

Goshala Building Features